The Latest here at the Cottage


Posted by Donette on


What a difference between this time last month and today. I really didn’t want to send out this newsletter/blog on April Fools day! I waited until today to do this. The last month has been a downward spiral into the Twilight Zone. It all seems so surreal and yet so very real. I’m sure y’all are feeling the same way I am, tired of hearing about it all and looking for a positive note somewhere. I’m hoping to be that positive spot for you. Let’s focus on the bright side. The most precious thing we have in our lives is...

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Temporary Closure

Posted by Christer Backlund on

Temporary Closure

I put on my rubber boots this morning and went for a soggy, misty walk thru the fields on our ranch. I needed to clear my head and try to put some sense to what is happening to us all. I have spent the last 3 days and sleepless nights, thinking, discussing, researching and seeking advice on what to do. I have invested everything over the past 7 years into my business and serving the quilting and sewing community. This is a very stressful time for all of us. I want to be a responsible business owner. The health and...

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March 2020 Happy St Patrick's Day

Posted by Donette on

March 2020 Happy St Patrick's Day

Life is short and to me, family is the most important part of our lives. Our connections with those people who are our “family”, are the ones that sustain us and see us thru the good and bad. My sister and her hubby come to spend time with us every winter and I cherish those weeks. She is a quilter/sewist too and we enjoy working together in the sewing room when we can. Unfortunately, I only get to have her here a couple of months in the winter while they are escaping the cold grip of northern weather. But we...

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February 2020 Newsletter/Blog

Posted by Christer Backlund on

February 2020 Newsletter/Blog

Happy Valentine’s Day to all I’m late this month, I apologize, life gets in the way. I had some good news the end of January, but it has taken up all my time for the last week. Right when I should have been writing this blog, isn’t that always the way it goes? And I have to confess, I’m having writers block 😩, or maybe it’s a brain fog due to our crazy erratic weather. I really need to be 5 different people to be able to get everything done on time. The new year has hit the ground running...

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Posted by Christer Backlund on


HAPPY NEW YEAR y’all !! You’ve probably heard that a thousand time by now. I think it bears repeating. A new year and a new decade. What a wonderful opportunity for a fresh new start. (Yes, I know there are those who argue that it is the last year of the last decade, not the first year of a new decade. I prefer to think of it the beginning of a new year and a new decade.) Maybe because I’m ready to give the last decade the big boot, it wasn’t a good decade for us personally. Too many trying...

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